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Our goal is to offer excellent conditions for business development of our clients. The fact that many of them are our long-term tenants is proof that we succeed.

Singer Bulgaria

Singer Bulgaria

The company produces the world-famous state-of-the-art sewing and embroidery machines.

The SINGER corporation is quickly expanding in other areas of life and over the past ten year has strated offering a wide range of home appliances – from kitchen appliances to heating, cooling and air purifying equipment.

Visla Ltd.

Visla Ltd.

Sewing centres Visla specialize in the wholesale and retail of spare parts, and supplies and accessories for the sewing industry. The centre offers a wide variety of brands and types of sewing machines including bag closing and ironing equipment. Repair and servicing are also provided.

The centre is a representative of Groz-Beckert, Schmetz, Mitsubishi, Yamato, Kansai Special, Vibemac, Maier-Unitas, Moretti.

Vending Partners

Vending Partners

Vending Partners has a long history and extensive experience in the fileds of coffee, snacks and drinks vending machines. The company specializes in the installation and maintenance of vending machines for coffee and packed goods in offices and office buildings. Established in 2003, Vending Partners has become on of the leading and fastest-growing companies in the field. For more than seven years now, residens of the towns of Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas, Lovech, Pazardjik and many others have been enjoying the coffee prepared by the company’s vending machines.

Fikonas Ltd.

Fikonas Ltd.

Fikonas imports a wide range of machinery for the sewing industry: cutting, sewing, ironing, spare parts, as well as consumables, supplementary materials and FISKARS scissiors. The company offers a variety of textile materials.

Polina Furna Ltd.

Polina Furna Ltd.

Polina Furna imports buttons, sewing materials and trimmings. The company is the sole representative of Mabo S.p.a. Italy for Bulgaria.

Верига естетични центрове Нирвана

Верига естетични центрове Нирвана

Верига естетични центрове Нирвана е създадена през 1996г. в София, когато открива първият си обект в полите на Витоша. Благодарение на постоянните подобрения, професионален опит и модерна сертифицирана апаратура, днес НИРВАНА е стандарт за качество при предоставяне на услуги в сферата на красотата в България.

Центрове Нирвана разполагат с иновативна, утвърдена на световния бюти пазар технология в областта на процедури за лице, тяло и лазерна епилация. Нашата основна цел е да предлагаме високо качество процедури на достъпни цени и гъвкави възможности за плащане, отговарящи на всички очаквания на нашите клиенти.

Луксозна обстановка, безупречна хигиена и висококвалифициран екип от специалисти, кинезитерапевти и дерматолози допринася за доверието на нашите клиенти.


РАБОТНО ВРЕМЕ | Понеделник – Неделя | 09:00 - 19:00

НИРВАНА ВИТОША  | +359 883 739 555 | София, бул. Черни връх 47, София
