„Vitosha tourist” AD
Rents business premises, offices and warehouses on the territory of Vitosha Business Center.
„Vitosha fashion” AD
Rents retail space, offices, warehouses, manufacturing halls and suitable for television and photographic studios premises in Vitosha Business Center.
„Iglika fashion” AD
Rents retail space and offices on the territory of Vitosha Business Center.
„Vitosha stroy” AD
Manages and rents parking places on the territory of Vitosha Business Center.
„Lift service” AD
Rents industrial building on three floors, built-up area 198.25 m2 on each floor, consisting of manufacturing halls, offices, storage rooms and warehouses. Available freight elevator with loading capacity 1000 kg. Property Address Sofia, region Iskar, "Nedelcho Bonchev" Str № 3.
„AS Zara – Ins” Ltd.
Performs armed and unarmed protection. Essential for the company are security, peace and protection of customer property.
„Ven Mari” Ltd.
Construction equipment rental, snow removal, preparation of land for landscaping or concrete, transportation and loading and unloading activities.